1798 RESOLUTION NO. 1798 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK OF TEE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK TO EXECUTE A CERTAIN DEED FOR CERTAIN REAL ESTATE TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. WHEREAS, the City of Little Rock, Arkansas is the owner of the following described real property not needed for City Government purposes : A piece , parcel, or tract of land in the SE4 of Section 11, T 1 N. , R. 12 W. , and within the corporate limits of the City of Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas, containing 1.79 acres, more or less, and more particular- ly described as follows : Beginning at a point 1302.43 feet, more or less , west of the southeast corner of the SEl of Section 11 , said point being on the eastern right of way line of '3arber Avenue and at the southwestern corner of National Cemetery; thence northwesterly along said easterly right of way line of Barber Avenue for a distance of 697 feet, more or less, to a point on the southern boundary of Oakland Cem- etery fence ; thence northeasterly along said fence of Oakland Cemetery for a distance of 233 feet, more or less, to a point on the western boundary of National Cemetery; thence southeasterly along saia boundary line of National Cemetery for a distance c:f 669 feet, more or less, to point of beginning. AND WHEREAS, it being adjacent to a National Cemetery of the United States , the United Stater of America desires the use of said land to improve and beautify same as part of its National Cemetery system, and WHEREAS, such improvement and beautification of said land can not be made by the Government unless title thereto be vested in it, the United States of America; and it therefore desires that said land be conveyed to it, and WHEREAS, the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas deem it advisable and for the best interest of the City of Little Rock, and of the public , to sell said proper- ty to the United States of America and to convey same to it by an appropriate deed of conveyance, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS : SECTIGN 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute, acknowledge, and deliver a proper deed of conveyance to the above described property to the United States -2- Government for so long as said propert,, shall be used for the purpose of a National Cemetery. S'w,CTDAT 2. The consideration for said deed shall be One Dollar ( -1.00) . ADOPTED: June 7, 1948 ATT 91 : APPROVED: kr.L1060"w City Clerk / Mayor