1794 RESOLUTION NO. 179 4 A RESOLUTION FIXING A DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON A PETITION `1'G VACA'T'E AND ABANDON A PORTION OF THE ALLEY IN BLOCK RUIVEN OF tidORTHEN AND BROWN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICES TIM M': AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, a petition was duly filed by Arkansas Power & Light Company with the City Council of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, on the 2nd day of June,- 1948, asking that the City Council release, vacate and abandon all of the City of Little Rock's rights, together with the rights of the public generally, in and to that portion of the alley lying between Lots Three (3) and Fifteen (15) in Block Eleven (11) of Worthen and Brown's Addition to the City of Little Rock. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, that the 21 day of June, 1948, be fixed as the date for the hearing upon the petition to vacate and abandon the aforesaid portion of the alley in Block Eleven (11) of Worthen and Brown Addition, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice of such meeting by publication once a week for two consecutive weeks in some newspaper published in Pulaski County and having a gen- eral circulation in the City of Little Rock. The notice shall state the name of the person or Company who signs the petition, and the name or description of the portion or the alley to be vacated by designating the lots abutting thereon; and advise all persons that on a said day therein named the Council will hear and determine whether the portion of the alley shall be vacated. APPROVED: / /, Layor ADOP T :D: J'.zne 7, 1948 ATTEST: City Clerk