1792 RESOLUTION NO. 1792. A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO A CITIZENS COMNITTEEE FOR EFFORTS IN BEHALF OF REVISING THE BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. W1iEREAS, The Building Code of the City of Little Rock, now in use, has been enforced for some Twenty years or more; and, WHERs&S, Said Code is in many respects outmoded; and, WHEREAS, Heretofore a Committee consisting of Mr. Paul M. Leird, Chairman; Mr. Bruoe R. Anderson; Mr. George Suter; Mr. E. DeMatt Henderson; Mr. Werner C. Knoop; Mr. D. J. MoFadyen; and Mr. Sid Moseley; were appointed as a Committee to revise, revamp and modernize the Building Code for the City of Little Rock; and, WHEREAS, Said Committee after more than a year and a half of studying and analysing codes of various cities and building demands of the City of Little Rock; has completed its work after many hours of meetings and consultations; and, WHEREAS, Said New Building Code has been presented to the City of Little Rock in the form of two typewritten copies, NOW,Therefore, Be It Resolved by the City Council of the City of Little Rock that it is duly appreciative of 'the work of said committee and that it takes this occasion to tender its thanks to the various members of said committee. ADOPTED: April 26 , 1948. ATTES : AP 'l 'IIL`I � ,. .1.. .el Ci y C1°r� .