1788 RESOLUTION NO. 1758 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE LESSEE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AT THE LITTLE ROCK MUN- ICIPAL AIRPORT TO ASSIGN SAID LEASE, AND FOR OTHER PUR- POSES. WHEREAS, The City of Little Rock did on the 15th day of January, 1948, enter into a lease agreement with Al 's Gift Shop upon certain portions of the Administration Building at the Little Rock Municipal Airport, and WHEREAS, Lessee under the terms of said agreement now desires to be authorized to assign said lease to Kenneth Starnes under the terms of Article XVIII of said lease, NOW THERLV ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, - ARKANSAS : SECTION 1. That Albert W. D. Overton, Jr. DBA Al 's Gift Shop is hereby authorized to 'assign said lease to Kenneth Starnes, said assignment to be approved and executed by the Mayor and City Clerk and to be made an attachment to and a part of said original lease. SECTION 2. This permission to the Lessee to assign said lease does not relieve him of any of the liabilities or terns and provisions of said lease agreement heretofore entered into. ADOPTED: April 12, 194 ATTEST: APPROVED: y Clerk Mayor