1779 RESOLUTION NO. 1 7 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF "JTTLE ROCK TO APPOINT A LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER APPROPRIATE LEGISLATION' TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE NEXT SESSION OF THE ARKANSAS LEGISLATURE. WHEREAS, It would be to the best advantage of the citizens of the City of Little Rock to take appropriate steps to consider and sponsor beneficial legislation to be considered at the next session of the Arkansas Legislature, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARK- ANSAS : SECTION 1. That the Mayor of the City of Little Rock is here- by authorized and directed to appoint sign member committee to con- sider appropriate legislation beneficial to the City of Little Rock to be submitted at the next session of the Arkansas Legislature. SECTION 2. That the committee shall be composed of the chairmen of each of the City Council 's coml: ittees, and 6 citizens of the City of Little Rock. nDOPTED: January 12 : 19+8 $' x ATTEST : APPROVED: i City Clerk Mayor