1778 f • ) RESOLUTION NO . 1778 A RESOLUTION DIRECTING ThE MAYOR TO TAKE TEE NECESSARY STEPS TO 11/0:7", Ti E CITY PROPERTY NORTh OF TEE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM VACATD, AND POP OTEEP PURPOSES. UEREAS, The city property im: oulately north of the municipal auditorium is needed for municipal purposes, and ■ WIIEREAS, At the present tire said pro,erty is beinF used b7 private individuals , NOW THEREFORE, 3H IT RESOLVED BY iniT CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE 'OC} , ARK- AYSAS : sEcTI4T 1. That the Layor of the City of Little Pock is 1-ir,7.- by directed to take the necessary action to cause the property owned by the City immediate:y north oi' the nunicipal auditorium to be vacat- ed by the prevent tenant in order that Enid property may be used for municipal purposes. ADOPTED: January 12 , 1948 J ? Ir.lt..titx ATTPST: ' k.a."4..... APPROVED: / /7 /, i Graham S, .... Wassell City Clerk Mayor