1765 RESOLUTION NO 1765 A RESOLUTION FIXING A POLICY FOR THE USE OF BOYLE PARK AS A RECREATION AREA AND OTHER PURPOSES BE IT ±SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1. It is hereby declared to be the policy of this Council that Boyle 4_ shall be now and hereafter used exclusively as a pie recreation area, and no person, firm, or corporation shall be permitted to operate any amusement-ride or rides, or operate for hire, any similar or associated concessions other than a concession for the sale of carbonated beverages, candy, ice cream, sandwiches, and the like. Section 2. It is hereby further declared to be the policy of this Council that Boyle Park shall be kept and maintained as a permanent, year-around recreation area, for per- sons and families free of the commercial surroundings usually associated with carnivals and other temporary or seasonal amuse- ment facilities. ADOPTED: September 8, 19+7 APPROVED ,jr Mayor ATTEST: 'City Clerk