1764 A •. RESOLUTION NO. 176L-. A RESOLUTION AUThORIZI N • THE E YOR AND CITY C T F,RK TO EXECUTE AY EASEMENT DEED FOR CERTAIN LANDS IN FAIR PARK IN ORDER THAT SAID LANDS MAY BE USED BY THE STADIUM COMP/[ISSION OF t REANSAS AS PARK- ING SITES, WHICH SAID LANDS WERE INADVERTENTLY OMITTED AT THE TIME OF THE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 1760 ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS at the time of the adoption of Resolution No. 1760, authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an easement deed to the Stadium Commission of Arkansas on certain parcels of land with- in Fair Park, certain lots were inadvertently omitted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIT`i COUNCIL OF Ti]; CITY OF LITTLE ROCK: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute to the Stadium Commission of Arkansas an easement deed providing for the use of the lots hereinafter described as parking sites , in consideration of the construction by the said Stadium Commission of Arkansas of a stadium on lands heretofore authorized to be conveyed in fee to said Commission, and in consideration of the Stadium Commission of Arkansas improv- ing said lands at its own expense to the extent that it will be necessary to do so in order to make said lands suitable for use as parking sites : All of Block Eleven (11) ; All of Block Twenty-two (22) ; except Lot Seven (7) ; Lots One (1) , Two (2) , Three (3) and Four (4) , Block Six (6) ; Lots Five (5 ) , Six (6) and Seven (7) , Block Seven (7) ; Lots Seven (7) , Eight (8) , Nine (9) , Ten (10) , Eleven (11) and Twelve (12 ) , Block Ten (10) ; Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8) , Block Twenty -six (26) ; All in Cunningham 's Addition to the City of Little Rock , Pulaski County, Arkansas . Section 2. It is ascertained and declared by the City Council that the City of Little Rock lacks sufficient recreational facilities for its inhabitants, and that the recreation they would derive from the stadium hereinafter referred to would be conducive to the peace and health of its inhabitants ; that the Stadium Com- mission of Arkansas is considering construction of a large and I AI -2- modern stadium on the tract of land in State Fair Park owned by the City, which tract the Council, by resolution heretofore adopted, authorized to be conveyed to the Stadium Commission if the Commission agreed to locate the stadium in the City of Little Rock; that before the Commission will locate it in the city it will require that the City furnish an area adjacent to the Stadium sufficient for the parking of automobiles of the people attending and taking part in athletic events at the Stadium; that unless this resolution can become effective immediately the Stadium Commission will refuse to locate the Stadium in the city and will locate it in another city , as the result of which the city and its inhabitants will be deprived of the Stadium End its re- sulting benefits. It is , therefore, declared that an emergency exists , that this resolution is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and that this resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. ADOPTED: August 29 , 1947. _ �, APPROVED: l.ayor ATTEST: C'ty Clerk