1758 RESOLUTION NUMBER 17 ;; A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EMPLOYMENT OF SPECIAL COUNSEL TO REPRESENT THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS IN THE COLLECTION OF CERTAIN MONIES DUE: AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to employ special legal counsel of his choosing, to bring appropriate action or actions in behalf of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, for the collection of any money that may be unpaid and due the City of Little Rock through June 30, 1947. The said employment shall be on a contingent basis and the City of Little ;rock hereby agrees to pay to said special legal counsel a fee of 25% of any money recovered for the City of Little Rock, due and unpaid prior to June 30, 1947 and 10% annually thereafter for the next three years of any extra amounts that are realized to the City of Little Rock as a result of any legal principles established through his efforts. Said fee shall be paid whether the amounts are received through litigation, compromise of litigation or settlement. ADOPTED: Jul: 7 , 1,347 i ms APPROVED: -mw MAYOR ATTEST: VETO SUSTAINED — CI CLERK July EL , 1947.