1753 • L-,J */■La mi2 J. .,•)• 1753 .irj. ji Lt I; ;1...L24A U.01 '22L) • a , '111.1.1 -12:21.).11■ a.,U Lrid-J• ."...;A_A.L.) 2111.0 1- ••• .41 , L.), • 4..1 i aijiL iLLioLJ, Jjaj . v leUit IT it.,...1; u.i.4.11J .3.2( iJ CITL JJJi o2 L Cj.L 2 aii;J'LLJJA- 1. Thal; permission be grahteu tie 1.,..Len of tae CAUTCh.eS to erect lights Oil a softball field in 2air'..Cark that will not inter- ! fere with the area designated for the proposed 1. enorial stadium. CTIU14 2nat said softball fielU still will coLe uhaer the jurisdiction of the Little LOCI: J.-arks and hcicreation i)eparttaent and will open for use by the public in general anu hot restricted. to 4 exclusive use by the J:eu of tin Churches. 6SCTION p. That whorl the LJen of the Churches organized sot tbali i.).Ly is abanuoned, the lighting equipident will revert to the City of Little hock if not rel.:loved within thirty (60 ) uays. J-111 equipLent to be lastalleu must be inspected, anu a'.i,-)proveu by in lieparthent prior to installation. / K dopted : June ?, 1947 .ipproved. ; /' H.41/111e- • /attest; C "ty Clerk •