1746 -r_ RESOLUTION NO. 1746 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING E. L. SANTEE, DBA NATIONAL BUS LINES, TO OPERATE BUSES FROM A POINT V'rITHIN THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK TO POINTS WITHIN A RADIUS OF FIVE _ILES BEYOND THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY AND FOR OCCASIONAL TRIPS TEN :_ILES BEYOND SUCH COR- PORATE LIMITS AND AUTHORIZES AND DIRECTS THE CITY COLLECTOR TO ISSUE A PERMIT THEREFOR. WHEREAS, the petitioner, E. L. Santee, d/b/a National Bus Lines, filed his application with the City Clerk, on April 29, 1947, for a license to operate buses from a point within the City of Little Rock to points within a radius of five tiles beyond the City limits and for occasional trips ten miles beyond such corporate limits, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Greyhound Bus Station, located. at Sixth and Louisiana Streets; thence West on Sixth Street to Broadway; thence South on Lroadway to Roosevelt Road; thence West on noosevelt Road to the intersection of Asher Avenue and Hayes Street; thence North on Hayes Street to Twenty-eighth Street and return. - No authority is granted to petitioner to pick up passengers within the City of Little Rock for discharge within the said City. and WHEREAS, such petition was referred to the Transportation Committee, by the action of the City Council, on May 5, 1947, and WHEREAS, said Transportation Committee met at 4:00 2. . , on May 13, 1947, to hold a public hearing on same, and WHEREAS, the Transportation Committee found that public convenience and necessity require the services described in said petition, and WHEREAS, the Transportation Committee itkkiduckkxxxxkiximaxxxx cracxtxxxl has recommended to the Council that the petition should be granted and that the City Collector be directed to issue to petitioner a license for such operation for an indeterminate period of time. recommendation THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that thei=oak the/=oak of the Transpor- tation Committee be, and the same is hereby, approved in full and xx$ax xxxRaxakxkkxxm the City Collector is hereby directed to issue a license to E. L. Santee, d/b/a National Bus Lines for an indeterminate period of time to operate over such rute. ADOPTED: Ay 19, 1347 APPROVED: / / ATTEST: Ciiy Clerk