1727 RESOLUTION NO. 1727 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A NINETY-NINE YEAR LEASE TO MLCHIOR M. EBERTS POST NO. 1, THE AMERICAN LEGION, ON CERTAIN RIVER FRONT PROPERTY LOCAT::D ';LEST OF THE MAIN STREET BRIDGE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES; BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Little Rock, that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the proposed Agreement of Lease attached hereto and made a part hereof between the City of Little Rock and • Melchior M. Eberts Post No. 1, The American Legion, Department of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas, for a consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) per annum and other valuable considerations, upon the following described tract of land, to-wit : Commencing ata point on the prolongation of the east line of Block seventy nine ( 79) in the said City, sixty nine (69) feet from the northeast corner of said block; thence west one hundred and twenty five (125) feet , thence north sixty five ( 65) feet, thence east one hundred and twenty five (125) feet, thence south sixty five ( 65) feet, to the point of beginning, together with all riparian rights, Pulaski County, Arkansas. Said lease shall be for the term of ninety-nine (99) years from the date hereof and upon the terms and conditions as set out in said proposed lease and when executed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk of the City of Little Rock and by Melchior M. Eberts Post No. 1, said lease agreement shall be in full force and effect without further action of the City Council thereon. AGREEMENT OF LEASE This indenture made this day of , 1947 by and between the City of Little Rock, Party of the First Part, and Melchior M. Eberts Post No . 1, The American Legion, Department of Arkansas , Little Rock, Arkansas , Party of the Second Part, witnesseth: That said Party of the First Part for , and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar (41.00) per annum, agreed to be paid by said Party of the Second Part, and other valuable considerations , does hereby lease and let unto the Party of the Second Part, the following described tracts of land, to-wit : Commencing at a point on the prolongation of the east line of Block seventy nine (79) in the said City, sixty nine (69) feet from the northeast corner of said block; thence west one hundred and twenty five (125) feet, thence north sixty five ( 65) feet, thence east one hundred and twenty five (125) feet, thence south sixty five (65) feet, to the point of beginning, together with all riparian rights , Pulaski County, Arkansas . To Have and to Hold unto the Party of the Second Part for a period of ninety-nine (99) years from , 1947 , for the purposes of maintaining thereon a Post Home and Club House and for use in promoting the principles and policies of said American Legion Post as set forth in its preamble and constitution and the National and departmental constitutions of The American Legion, but for no other purpose whatsoever, and this lease is made upon the express conditions that Party of the Second Part will not use or permit to be used the above described lands for any purpose other than those hereinabove set out. Said Second Party shall have no power to assign or sublet any portion of the above described land for any length of time whatever, or permit any of the buildings erected thereon to be used for any other purpose than such as may be included in the Constitution and by-laws of said Second Party without the consent of the Council of the City of Little Rock and any violation of any of the conditions of this lease on the part of the Second Party shall work a forfeiture — — • of all rights acquired by said Second Party hereunder . It is hereby covenanted by said Party of the First Part that Party of the Second Part shall have a right to remove from said land any and all buildings it may erect thereon during the term of this lease within three months after the termination of this lease for any cause, but if not removed the same shall become the property of the Party of the First Part. In consideration of this lease, Party of the Second Part agrees to pay to the Party of the First Part a yearly rental of One Dollar (41.00) per annum, payable to 'the City Collector or other duly authorized city official in May of each year or at the option of the Party of the Second Part, it may be paid in whole or in part in advance. In Testimony whereof, the City of Little Rock, Party of the First Part, by order of the City Council, made has caused this lease to be executed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk of said City with the seal thereof and Said Party of the Second Part has signed the same by it' s Commander, Adjutant, Judge Advocate, and Chairman of it' s New Home Committee and the seal thereof this day of , 1947. Melchior M. Eberts Post No . 1 by Mayor, City of Little Rock Commander Adjutant Judge Advocate Chairman, New Home Committee Attest: City Clerk ADOPTED: February 3, 19+7 ATTEST' APPROVD: City Clerk. Mayor.