1664 RESOLUTION NO. 1664. A RESOLUTION RE?UF$TING THE MAYOR AND THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK TO PRESENT TO TEE LITTLE ROCK CITY COUNCIL A RECAST TAX STRUCTURE. WHEREAS, past policies of financing capital improvement programs have proven to be a bad usage of the taxpayers dollar by the extreme amount of interest payment on same, and WHEREAS, it is sound business for a city to be on a pay-as-you-go- basis for capital improvements as well as operating expenses, and WHEREAS, the City government is at this time preparing plans for many major capital improvements, and WHEREAS, the City Government must have a financial plan to make the capi- tal improvement plans workable, and WHEREAS, the City Government should be receiving hundreds of thousand of dollars annually from privately and publically owned utilities from State- collected , locally-shared taxes and other sources, to more evenly dis- tribute the cost of the capital improvement programs and operating ex- penses, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. SECTION 1. The Mayor and the City Council Finance Committee is hereby respectfully requested to investigate, study, analyze and ascertain means of recasting the tax structure of the City of Little Rock so as to more evenly distribute the cost of capital improvement programs and operating expenses, the report of these findings shall be reported to the Little hock City Council who shall then pass or refuse to pass ordinances presented by the Mayor and the City Council Finance Committee. Any ex- pense incurred by the Mayor and City Council Finance Committee in the reegonable discharge of the duties outlined above shall be repaid by the city of Little Rock out of appropriate funds. SECTION 2. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage. xx ADOPTED: August 7 , 1944. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK C(A-k-1/10 `FL' VETO SUSTAINED. August 28, 944.