1663 RESOLUT ION ?0. 1663. A RESOLUTION APPOINTING J. E. MURPHY AND C. S. POLK AS COM?"ISSIONERS OF STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N0. 529 . WHEREAS, C. W.Wilkins, formerly a commissioner of Street Improvement District No. 529, has moved from Little hock to Norfolk, Virginia ; and WHEREAS , J. 0. Henry, another of said commissioners , is now on active duty with the United States Navy and neither of said commissioners is qualified to continue to serve as such: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That C . T .. Wilkins and J. 0. Henry be and they are hereby removed as commissioners of Street Improvement Listrict No. 529 . Section 2. That J. L . Murphy, a property owner in said district , residing at 2304 Valentine , and C. S. Yolk, a property owner in said district , residing at 2316 Valentine , be and they are hereby appointed as commissioners of Street Improvement District No. 529 and they together with Lewey H. Haynie constitute the entire board of Commissioners of said district. ADOPTED: August 7 : 1944. , PP.:'VED: et -. .• i, J�X `i `� Xx sir?A41�,1"1'!►'*'0 �T ayor 7 X. 4 .XXXXXXXXXXXI XXX ATTE'T•