1641 RESOLUTION N) 1641 A RESOLUTION APPROING AND CONFIRMING THE ACTION OF THE C TY ATTORNEY IN ASSOCIATING WITH HIM CERTAIN OTHER COUNSEL IN THE PROSE G ION OF THE LITIGATION INVOLVING THE MUNICIPAL TURNBP,CK FUND. Whereas, The City Attorney has considered it wise and expedient to associate Leffel Gentry, Esq. with him in the prosetion of that certain litigation pending in the Pulaski Chancery Court involving the Municinal Turnback Fund in the. office of the Treasurer of the State of Arkansas, and Whereas, Such employment and association has been done without any expense to the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, and Whereas, The City Coun il of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas finds that such action was wise and expediat and in the best interest of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas,NOW THEREFORE BE rr RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LI.TLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: Section 1. The action of the City Attorney in associating Leffel Gentry, Esq. with him in the prosection of the Litigation now pending and involving the Municipal Turnback Fund is hereby approved and confirmed in all parttbulars; and any actions taken by the said Leffel Gantry, Esq., while in the continuance of such association are hereby ratified and confirmed. ADOPTED: august 30, 1913 APPROVED: a, . v /Y1( U1� ' Mayor ,I' ATTEST: j • 1,y er .