1635 RESOLUTION NO. 1635 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE WPA TO GIVE TO THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS , CERTAIN EQUIPMENT REMAINING IN THE AIRPORT PROJECT ; PROMISING THAT SAID EQUIPMENT WILL BE INSTALLED AT THE AIRPORT , AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , the Federal Government of the United States of America through the WPA undertook to make certain addi- tions and improvements to the Little Rock Municipal Airport, and WHEREAS, said project has never been completed, and WHEREAS, certain equipment originally designed for use in said WPA project now remains in the hands of the WPA, and WHEREAS, the WPA is being liquidated so that it can not complete its project , and WHEREAS , the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, is extremely anxious to complete its airport, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . The City of Little Rock, Arkansas , hereby requests the WPA and the Federal Government to grant and to turn over to the City of Little Rock all of the electrical equipment originally purchased by the WPA for use in the construction and improvement of the Little Rock Municipal Airport and now remaining on the incomplete project . SECTION 2 . In the event that said electrical equipment is granted and turned over to the City of Little Rock, the City of Little Rock agrees that said equipment will be installed at the Municipal Airport without further assistance from the United States Government , and that said installation will be made within a reasonable time from this date . U/ �. ADOP`1'ED: April 5, 1943 APPROVED : AG ) ' j Mayor iv>AT T E r. City Clerk