1632 RESOLUTION 1632 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS TO ENACT IN T8"i LAW HOUSE BILL NO. 207 ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS the City of Little Rock is now confronted for the present year and ensuing years with an abrupt decrease in City Revenues , and, WHEREAS the municipal functions and the cost of dis- charging the obligations of government are constantly in- creasing and, WHEREAS this condition is prevalent with all other municipalities in the State of Arkansas , and, WHEREAS a great part of the revenue originated by the sales tax levied by the State of Arkansas is made possible through the maintenance of municipal and county functions and, WHEREAS it is just, fair and equitable that the City of Little Rock, and other cities th(oughout the State should share in the revenues which their facilities make possible, and, WHEREAS there has been introduced House Bill No. 207 which is a bill designed to allow cities and counties to share in the revenues which they assist in creating, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS . That the General Assembly is hereby respect . aly peti- to tioned to enact in tL law the measure , now known as Rouse Bill No. 207 , and the General Assembly is further petitioned to take other action to allow cities to originate sufficient revenue to maintain the necessary facilities of municipal government . ADU I:d.D: Fe. ) _: 1943 APPROVED : . )11.Mayor. E . Q� r ATTE. T . y er• . �, _f— , 3