1627 RESOLUTION NO. 1627 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE HOLDING OF A BLACKOUT ON DECEMBER 14, 1942 IN THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK , ARKANSAS . BE IT RU SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL O. LITTLE ROCK , ARKANSAS . SECTION 1 . The Air Raid :'garden Division of Civilian Defense is hereby authorized to conduct a blackout against air raids on December 14, 1942 between the hours of 8 :00 o ' clock and 9 :00 o ' clock P.M. The area within which the blackout authorized hereunder shall be held will be city—wide . ADOPTED: December 7 , 1942 . C7V4C-i4 nzum APPROVED: aayo r , 'n4OF ATTEST : I , - City Clerk.