1626 RESOLUTION NO. lo2b -�- _ A RESOLUTION DEDICATING WEEK OF NOVEBER 2, 19+2 AS "KIYvrANIS WEEK" AT THE FAIR PARK GULF COURSE; 00414ENDING THE WORK OF ALL PERSuN6 ASSISTING IN ESTAi3LISHING THE SAID GOLF COURSE; AND FUR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, it is a frailty of human nature to let time obstruct the channels of memory; and `t=LR.LAS, we acknowledge our present duty to commemorate in some lashion the accomplishments of our contemporaries; and •.:HER2AS, in our lifetime the Kiwanis Club of Little Rock perf orrmed a great and lastin work, contributing to the health, ha2uiuess and pleasure of countless men and women, when it conceived, created and, in 1925, turned over to the City of eittle Rock the Fair Park Golf Course, which at that time was called the Kiwanis-,unicipal Golf Links, which has redounded to the benefit of so many; and iFiEREAS, the idea of a municipal golf course and recreation center was conceived in the minds of the Honorable Frank H. Dodge, at that time President of the Little Rock Kiwanis Club, and Claude E. Faulhaber, en untiring worker not only in the Kiwanis Club but in every other civic enterprise, who, with the assistance of H. C. Hackbarth, laid out the golf course and led the members of the Kiwanis Club in picking up rocks to clear the fairways; and i} REAS, the execution of the idea of the founders was brought into full fruition by the late Walter J. Terry, also a tireless and unselfish worker in every phase of civic enterprise, ,, ith a love of outdoor sports and with a zealous regard for the rights of all men and women to enjoy the benefits of such sports - a man ;rho gave freely of his talents end genius in the fulfillment of the dream of its • originators, and who, as a Kiwanian and as Chairman of the Golf Commission, • el11"4:c.' ' . , served 1.7-ith efficiency and distinction and completed the last nine holes of the course; and . .7TEREAS, The Fair Lark golf Course is now one of the 1 finest in this or any other state, THEREFORE, BE IT RESCLVED that in recognition of the . unselfish work and devotion of these honorable gentlemen, who, <«_, : � . F.__ _„with vision and foresight and a sense of love for and obligation to their fellowmen, contributed so much to the happiness of others, we hereby dedicate and set aside November 2 to November 9, 1942, as Kiwanis `.:eek at the Fair Bark golf Course, as a memorial r to the glory and honor of the Little Rock Kiwanis Club, and to all of its members who contributed generously and nobly to a work that is so worthwhile, inspired by the motto of the Kiwanis Club, "We Build"; and a cordial invitation to the members of the Kiwanis Club to play the course end inspect the buildings and grounds as the guests of the City of Little Rock during that week is hereby extended. ADOPTED: November 2, 1942 AI''i E; T: AP 0 r D: ? ... E.. kep-r City L1erk. Mayor.