1548 RESOLUTION NO. 1545. WHEREAS , it is desirable and expedient that the City of Little Rock establish and maintain a fire station in the neighborhood of Markham and Elm Streets , and WHEREAS , an opportunity has presented itself whereby the City of Little Rock may be able to lease from the State Hospital for Nervoup Diseases certain property in the North- east corner of the State Hospital grounds as now located in Little Rock, and ,VHEREAS , the public welfare and safety will be materially benefited by the establishment of such a fire station at the mentioned location, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Little Rock, Arkansas , that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into some appropriate form of lease agreement with the State Hospital for Nervous Diseases and the Board thereof whereby the State Hospital for Nervous Diseases leases to the City of Little Rock for an appropriate term ce ;;Tears a plot or parcel of ground in the Northeast corner of the hospital grounds as they are noW located in the City of Little Rock, said plot or parcel to be large enough for the erection and maintenance of a fire station thereon and in- cluding ways and means of ingress and egress therefrom, pro- vided, however, that the consideration to be paid by the City of Little Rock shall not exceed the sum of One Dollar ( 1. )D ) per year and the maintenance of a fire station on said real property. ADOPTED: December 16 , 1940. Rxxxxix A p roved :a._ / rd — •� 17 or City Clerk