1536 ,Q RESOLUTIO1'1 NO. 1P',36 rHEREAS , the Cit-r . of Little Rock has enacted many and various ordinances since the publication of the last official di est of the ordinances of the City of Little Rock, And '" '-'.ERE S , these ordinances are important to the City of Little 'loch and to the conduct of business within .,_t of Little hoc! , xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx=xxxxxxxxxxxxXxxmthkx XXXXXXXXXXXXX KXXXXC X;CXX XXXXTVX XXX CXI(XXXXXXXXVXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXNXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYYTYYXYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VA.TXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYrfft`XXXX xxXxXX And WHEREAS, an opportunity has now presented itself ;rr_creby these and all prior ordinances of the City of Little Rock can be assembled and codified for a cost not to exceed Six Hundred 'Dollars ( ,600. 00) under a Work Projects Administration project, An ] 7 REAS , said project, if authorized, will provide employa.ent for various ' ersons in the City of Little ocL, Arkansas , TT.E.:E_'O RE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Little 'toc' , Arkansas : Section 1 . The .:ayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the Arl:ansas u1i cipal Leazue whereby the various ordinances of the City of Little noel: will be codified and digested and indexed by a '.;or'_ Projects Administration project of the Yeder-,l : overnment, ._ :reject beinC sponsored by the Arkansas 1<unicipal Leacue . Section 2 . The h'ayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to expend a sun not to exceed Six Hundred Dollars 0600. 00 ) in payment of the costs and expenses Incurred in connection with the contract mentioned in Section 1 of this resolution. Section 3 . Any sun to the Arkansas Municipal League under the provisions of Section 1 and Section 2 of this resolution shall be ,,air as follows : 1/2 of the su-n shall he paid when a tentative draft of the conpleted code is prepared and presented to the city* council _ t'_c final 1/2 shall be paid when the final draft of the co:_pleted code has been presented to the cite council . Adopted' Octi hPr 14, 1 940 / / Asprove :A :AI,