1520 RESOLUTION NO. 1520
Section 1. That the Council ratify and approve the employ-
ment by the Mayor of the law firm of Rose, Loughborough, Dobyns
& House of Little Rock, Arkansas, to act as advisory counsel,
including the preparation of all papers, and to examine the tran-
scripts relating to the issue of $47, 500 of bonds for the purpose
of the improvement of the Fair Park owned by the City by construct-
ing and equipping a modern swimming pool and additional park
buildings, and to approve the bonds at a fee of $375 .00; and
$300,000 of bonds for the purpose of the improvement of the City
Airport by purchasing additional land therefor, either within or
without the corporate limits, and constructing and equipping
buildings for administration, passenger terminal, hangars, shops,
electric lines, fences, run-ways, taxi-strips, drive-ways, and
doing other things incidental and necessary to a modern airport,
and to approve the bonds at a fee of $975 .00; to be paid only
from the proceeds of the sale of each bond issue respectively if
and when said sales are made. Said amounts are hereby appropriated,
and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to draw his warrant
in payment thereof out of said proceeds.
Section 2. It is ascertained and hereby declared that the
facilities for the healthful exercise of swimming in the City of
Little Rock are inadequate, and the inhabitants of the City seek
swimming places outside of the City, which, because of the lack
of sufficient guards and their unsanitary condition, are a menace
to the health and safety of the public; that the present City
Airport is too small for the safe landing of some of the modern
airplanes, and particularly of airplanes now operated by the
National Guard and the United States Army in the military defense
of the State and Nation; that under the program for the National
defense it is imperative for the safety of the public that the
Airport be promptly made suitable for such airplanes; and that
by reason of the present economic conditions, many citizens of
the City are out of work, and the improvements herein provided
would furnish work for a large number of men and thereby add to
the peace, health and happiness of the City. It is, therefore,
declared that an emergency exists, that thicresolutior is necessary
for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and
safety, and that tris Ae soiutim :shall take effect and be in force
from and after its passage.
ADOPTED: August 26 , 1940
APP- i ED: /T
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