1498 V i `p. L all vitvl ,,�a c RESOLUTION Nth. 1498 WHEREAS, the Board of Improvement of Street Im- provement District No. 531 of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas , acting in behalf of Annex No. 1 to said District, has filed its report, together with an estimate of the cost of the improvements contemplated in said Annex, and it appearing therefrom that the estimated cost of the construc- tion of said improvement , exclusive of interest on borrowed money, is the sum of ^1,200.00, being less than 40% of the assessed 40flue of the real property in the Annex as shown by the last county assessment ; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LIT.PLE ROCK, ARKANSAS: that said report be and the same is hereby approved and that the making of the assessment for said improvement be undertaken and that J. Arthur Breshears , H. B. Cumbie, and C. 0. Fink, each of whom is an elector of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, be and they are hereby appointed as assessors for said Annex to assess the benefits to be received by each lot or block or other subdivision of lands, railroad right-of-way in said Annex, by readon of the proposed local improvement therein. Adopted: June loth, ly4U ilir APPROVED: A ' / -�;� Tayor. ATTEST: if' f 1 City Clerk.