1476 :LESOLUTION ;; 1476 the Little ock .Danitar'y e er '2oii'1S:itte in )f t re operation of the Little Rock , nit ry c:er under the terms :f Ordinance 05451 has on hang in its surplus account an amount sufficient to retire Nine ( 9) One Thousand bollar (41,000.00) bongs ; and ' EREAS; the said bonds are nu.:nbered 921 to 929, in- clusive , and that purchase of the said bonds at this ti :e, . hich is prior to De :ember 1 , 1939, was provided for in the contract entered into between the City of Little s.:,oc_c and the Cherry- iillareal N Comnany; , 3E _I`l' CITY_ OF T HC CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS ' nat the Sewer Committee is directed to purchase said bonds Nos . 921 to 929, inclusive , and to make said purchase prior to December 1 , 1939, and to pay for said bonds out of the surplus account of the said sever system. Adopted: November 27th, 1939 Attest rovelif bi.ty Clerk. : or.