1469 RESOLUTION # 1469. 'udHERE'AS; it appears that it :ui11 be to the best In- terests of the City of Little itock to lease its prisoners to Pulaski County; and '`WHEREAS; provision has been made for the leasing of prisoners by Act #118 of the Acts of 193 ; 1,;0i, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS That the Mayor of the City of Little Rock is hereby instructed and authorized to take such means as are necessary to make a lease agreement with Pulaski County for the leasing of the City' s prisoners . ADOPTED: Se_:,tember 25 , 1939. ATTa.T: APLOVE : r / . / • )/(i, (77 ty Cler /