1460 • RESOLUTION # 1460. WHEREAS; It will be necessary for the Swimming Pool in 1 White City to be closed at an early date because parties owning said property have caused same to be platted and will sell it as residence property; and WHEREAS; The City should attempt to provide a swimming pool for the children of the City of Little Rock if it is fi- nancially possible ; and ,HEREAS; An effort should be made to attempt to secure the money for the building of a swimming pool in the Fair Park from the United States Government . 3O"I a' THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVER BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKAN; AS That the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby given the author- ity and full power to investigate the possibility of securing the money for the construction of a swimming pool in the Fair Park from the ederal Government and they and each of them are futher given full authority and power to sign any and all agreements which may be necessary and which are required by the Federal Government in order to secure financing and con- struction of said swimming pool . ADOPTED: Id;ay 29 , 1939. ATTEST APP 'OV/AD• - 1 7 V & CI— Clerk. I1ayror.