1459(/ I ESOLUTION # 1459 WHEREAS; W. H . Jarrett .,ill in a few days celebrate his ninethieth birthday; and WHEREAS; said H. Jarrett served the people of the City of Little Rock well and faithfully as Alderman from the Second '.yard from 1893 until 1911 and from 1914 until 1924; and AHEREAS; the said H. Jarrett devoted a large por- tion of his tiLe during these years to aiding in the de- . volopment of the City of Little ROCK and gave generously of his time and efforts in the service of the city; and HEREAS; it is fitting that the City Council of the City of Little Rock express anpreciation for this service on the approachin : ninetieth birthday of the said W. H. Jarrett . NO':s THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, A KANSAS That the Council go on record as expressing its appreciation for the long and faithful service of the said ":. H. Jarrett , and that a copy of this _resolution be entered on the Minates of the City Council and one copy delivered to the said H. Jarrett . Adopted: May 8th , 1939 Attest: Approved: ?7,;7t ww" i ty Clerk. Maycy,