1451 i I RESOLUTION NO 1451 WHEREAS, The City of Little Rock is in need of a street sweeper for use on the City streets ; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK That the Board of Public Affairs is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for and receive bids for the furnishing of it one street sweeper complete and ready for serivice and the said Board I. of Public Affiars is directed to report the result of said bids to the Council at its next regular meeting. 1/ (f) , i # , fe../ .....fr., .,,,,,,-....,4 , 4111r7 , ,,, .......irr at:74-g,2,4,A 1 ,,,,,L..49},.. ,„, ,,E_41E4 4." -1(41-4.-}‘ "?''' 41 --6?":41.--,4,041.,/ . t , _ 1 ' 12 n—c- >1 I ,--, <. 4.1„,fr t,t d'e'. ir-'7i hilt, rl. gift ,. - gt-t„.„..../ Adopted: (Januar, •th, 1939 Attest : Alm , � 4__ Appro d: City Cl erk. Prayer.