1404 '10. . --&—A. RESOLUTION NO 1404. WHEREAS , Since the discontinuance of the Arkansas State Fair , there is no further need to have the city 's park property where the fair was held known as Fair Park; and, WIEREAS , It is fitting that the City Council on behalf of the citizens of Little Rock should take some fitting means of expressing appreciation for the contructive program which has been carried out by the City's present mayor; and, WHEREAS , It was the sense of the council that the lake • to be formed by the dam constructed forthe new city water supply , should have been named in honor of the City's present mayor , but such could not be done because the rules of P. W. A. prevented the naming of any project after any living person, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK That the city' s park property heretofore known as Fair Park , be and the same is hereby BBRITPRP2B named Overman Park as a tribute to the work which the Hon. R. E. Overman has carried on during his term of office in behalf of the building of Little Rock. ADOPTED: August 9 , 1937. ATTEST EST A _ ED: City Clerk. Acting Mayor. C