1402 RESOL."TIQN NO 1402. WHEREAS , Hoseman Ralph Unger and Captain J. C. Hafer , members of the Little Rock Fire Department ,have recently passed from this life; THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED : That the Little Rock City Council expresses its regret at the loss of the services to the Fire Department of Hoseman Ralph Unger , who met his death in the faithful performance of his duty while engaged in fighting a fire on the afternoon of July 24th, 1937. Such loyalty to service is deeply appreciated by this Council. Hoseman Unger had gained the confidence and respect of all by eighteen years of faithful work with the department. Captain J. C. Hafer was taken by death on July 1 , 1937. Captain Hafer 's ability and experience were of great assistance to the Fire Department where he rendered much valuable service. His loss is keenly felt by this Council and all those interested in the Department. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be instructed to convey the deep regret and condolence of this Council to the members of the families of Captain Hafer and Hoseman Unger. Adopted: July 26 , 1937. Attest. Approved: City Clerk. Mayor.