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BE IT RESOLVED That a regular meeting of the
City Council be held on the 17 day of May , 1937, at 8 o' clock
P. M. , at the usual meeting place of the City Council for the
purpose of holding a hearing on the proposed rates or charges
for the purpose of considering the adoption of Ordinance No.
, either as originally introduced or as amended; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the City Clerk prepare
and give notice of the hearing on said Ordinance No.
said hearing to be held on the 17 day of May, 1937, setting
forth the proposed schedule of rates or charges, by one
publication in the Arkansas Gazette and one publication in
the Arkansas Democrat, newspapers published in the City of
Little Rook and having a general circulation therein; said
publication to be at least ten days before the date fixed in
such notice for the hearing.
Adopted: May 3rd, 1937.
Attes : Approved:
City Clerk.. Mayor.