1395 RESOLUTION NO. 1195•
WHEREAS, The Rose City Realty Company, a corporation, did
execute a deed to the City of Little Rock, conveying to the City of
Little Rock certain property adjacent to the Roselawn Cemetery which
it was necessary for the City to acquire for the purpose of construc-
tion of West Twenty-fifth; and,
'WHEREAS, A certain portion of this property was not used in
the right-of-way, the said corporation would now like to have this
portion returned to it and has presented its deed for same;
Now, Therefore,
That the Mayor and City Clerk be , and they are hereby, autho-
rized and directed to execute a deed to the Rose City Realty Company
to the following described property, to-wit:
A part of the Southwest quarter (SW 1) of Section Nine
(9) , Township One (1) North, Range Twelve (12) West,
more particularly described as follows: Beginning at
the Southwest corner of said Section Nine (9) run East
along the South line of said Section Nine (9) a distance
of ten hundred and seventy nine (1079) feet, thence North
seventy (70) feet to the point of beginning, thence West
parallel with said Southline, three hundred and thirty-
three (333) feet, thence South thirty five (35) feet,
thence East one hundred and forty (140) feet thence North
thirty five (35) feet , thence East sixty (60) feet ; thence
North ten (10) feet ; thence East one hundred and thirty-
three (133) feet , thence South ten (10) feet to the point
of beginning.
ADOPTED: January 28,1937.
Attest: APpr ' e - .(p
City Clerk. Mayor.
915 Rector Building,
Little Rock, Arkansas
November 17, 1936
Hon. R. D. Overman,
Mayor ,
Little mock, Arkansas
Dear Er. Overman:
I enclose herewith a Resolution and Deed,
together with letters explaining the proposed return to
the Roselawn Cemetery of property along Roosevelt Boulevard,
which should be returned to the cemetery, since it is not
needed for the building of that street.
It will be appreciated very much if you will
kindly put this Resolution before the next council and take
such other steps as are necessary to convey this property
back to the Cemetery Association.
Yours very truly,
I kwat
Alf re•. L . Lund
A :mf
Np\ 1$ 5
Law Offices
Wallace Building
Little Rock, Arkansas
November 13, 1936
Mir. Alfred M. Lund
915 Rector Building
Little Rock, Arkansas
Dear Mr. Lund:
Herewith I enclose papers mailed to me
together with resolution which when passed by
the Council will effect the transfer of the prop-
I suggest that you take this matter up
with the Mayor and have him present it to the
Council at the next meeting. I find the deed is
in proper form and will carry out the problem
you have in mind.
Very truly yours,
s/s By Ed. I. McKinley, Zr.
ED :fr
915 Rector Building
Little Rock, Arkansas
November 5, 1936
Mr. E. I. McKinley,
City Attorney,
Wallace Building,
Dear Ed:
The Roselawn Memorial. Cemetery donated a strip of land
along the south border, to the City of Little Rock , for the purpose
of constructing Roosevelt Boulevard. This strip was of irregular
width, in order to provide for construction of the viaduct across
the Missouri Pacific Railroad tracks. Now that the street is
completed, it becomes evident that due to a change in plans , all
of the land deeded by the Cemetery Association is not and will not
be used for street purposes.
The Cemetery Association is planning to build a suitable entrance
to its property from Roosevelt Highway and wish to place this entrance
at the proper distance from the highway and finds that in order to do
this, it is desirable that the excess property above described be return-
ed to the Cemetery for this purpose.
I enclose herewith a quit claim deed, prepared for the
transfer of this property from the city to the Cemetery Association
and a small map lowing by the proper symbol the property covered by
said deed.
This letter is to request you to please prepare a suitable
resolution for the Council to authorize the transfer of this land back
to the Cemetery Association. For your further information, will say
that this matter has been discussed with the City Engineer and he is in
favor of this transfer.
Yours very truly,
Alfred M. Lund
AM ,:mf
91'k IC'�wa4 ei -c-pn ' 6<E4 T.� X'A'9K Form No.829 �—^�,,,.L/Size No.2 LITTLE ROCK —�/`/' COPYR/CHTED '�05
nnW all HiPn hp tl t c presents
a corporation organized under and by virtue of the laws of the
by its President and Secretary duly authorized hereto by proper resolution of its Board of Directors,for the consider-
, ,
ation of the sum of_____QIlA_mollst_anit_Qthsl!_SB1u ble___a_ansiderate.jona Dollars ($ 1t0 —__)
in hand paid by
the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does grant, sell and quitclaim unto the said
RDAs City Realty Company_ - and
unto its heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situated in the County of
Pulatski State of Arkansas, to-wit:
A part at the Southwest__q er---1SW -of--Section--Mine--(91_,__P ip
One (1) Northt_Range Twelve (12) Weetx more _particularly described as -
follows; Beginning et the Southwest corner of said Section Nine (9j run—_--
East along the South line or__said__SentiQn__Nine_ ) a__distance___ot -----
hundred and seventy nine (10791_feet, thence North seventy- 1701 feet to
the point of beginning,___then_e_I eat_,Rarallel__with__said_Bouthl.in,a,_three _
hundred and thirty three (333) feet,thence South thirty five (351 legit}____--
thence East one hundred and forty (140) feeti_thence North thirty fi'±ns__ _--
(36) feet, thence East sixty (60) feet; thence North ten (10) feet]
thence East one hundred and thirty three (133) feet, thence south ten --
1101 feet to_the voint of beginniags — - - -TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the said
Rose City Realty Company its
and unto heirs and assigns
forever, with all appurtenances thereunto belonging.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The name of the grantor is hereunto affixed by its President and its seal
affixed by its Secretary, this__ day of , 19___—
— -- -- — — LL. S.]
-- —
_[L. S.]