1384 • I3g
WHEREAS, on March 31 , 1936 , the City of Little Rock,
through the Mayor and City Clerk, entered into a Trust
Indenture with the Guaranty Trust Company of New v :rk, where-
by funds were received to purchase the properties of the
Arkansaw Water Company and to construct a reservoir on Alum
Fork of Salihe River and to construct a pipe-line from said
reservoir to the City of Little Rock, and
WHEREAS, it was made incumbent upon the City Treasurer
to certify depositories to receive proceeds from the sale of
Water Revenue Bonds , and to certify that said depositories
have complied with provisions relative to securing such de-
posits; to place proceeds from sale of said Bonds in a fund
known as "Water Purchase Fund" , and to apply said fund to
purchase of Water System and expense incident thereto, mak-
ing the proper certificates regarding each expenditure, and
to pay any balance into a fund known as "Water Supply Con-
struction Fund" , and
WHEREAS, under said Trust Indenture the City Treasurer
of the City of Little Rock is made custodian of said "Water
Construction Fund" , and is charged with the responsibility
of disbursing these Punds during the period of constructing
said dam and pipe-line, and
WHEREAS, under said Trust Indenture the. City Treasurer
is made custodian of all moneys coming . to .the City by reason
of the sale of water by the Little Rock Municipal Water
Works, and is charged with the segregation of this money in-
to the various accounts as set forth in said Trust Indenture,
and must sign all checks of whatever nature incident to the
operation of the Municipal Water Works, and
WHEREAS, the financial responsibility of the City
Treasurer has been increased more than ten times since the
purchase of the Little Rock Municipal Water Works and the
beginning of the new water supply, and to fulfill faithfully
the duties imposed on him by -the Trust Indenture now requires
a great deal more of his time, now therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Little Rock, that
the Board of Public Affairs and the Water Committee of the
City Council be and are hereby authorized to pay to the City
Treasurer a monthly allowance of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per
month, said allowance to be' paid from the " Water Construction
Fund" from and during the time these additional duties are
imposed upon him.
Adopted: August 10, 1936. Mayor.
I .. � City Clerk.
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