1380RESOLUTION NO. 1380. A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF THE UNITED STATES TO THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, TO AID BY WAY OF LOAN AND GRANT IN FINANCING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A COINIPLETE WATER SUPPLY AND NECESSARY INCIDENTAL IMPROVEMENTS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROOT', ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the offer of the United States of America to the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, to aid by way of loan and grant in financing the construction of a com-olete water supply and necessary incidental improvements, a copy of which offer reads as follows: FEDERAL E1IERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF P'.1BLIC WORKS City of Little Rock, Little Rock, Arkansas. Washington, D.C. June 20, 1936. State File No. Ark. 1106. 1. Subject to the Rules and Regulations (PWA Form No. 188, August 12, 1935, as amended to date) which are made a part hereof, the United States of America hereby offers to aid in financing the construction of a complete water supply sys- tem and necessary incidental improvements in connection there- with (herein called the "Project ", the Project together with the existing waterworks system now owned by the City of Little Rock herein called the "System "), by making a grant to the City of Little Rock (herein called the "Api-)licant ") in the amount of 30 percent of the cost of the labor and materials employed upon the Project, as determined by the Federal Emergency Adminis- trator of Public Works (herein called the "Administrator "), but not to exceed, in any event, the sum of ,$1,000,000, and by pur- chasing, at the principal amount thereof plus accrued interest thereon, from the Applicant, obligations of the description set forth below (or such other description as shall be mutually satisfactory) in the a gregate principal amount of .$1,210,000 (herein called "Bonds" less such amount of such obligations, if any, as the Applicant may, with the consent of the Adminis- trator, sell to purchasers other than the United States of America: (a) Obligor: City of Little Rock; (b) Type: Negotiable, special obligation, waterworks revenue coupon bond; (c) Denomination: $1,000; (d) Date: February 1,1936; (e) Interest rate and interest payment dates: 40,,10 per annum, payable semi - annually on February 1 and August 1 in each year; (f) Place of payment: At the office of a bank or trust co,,' in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York; - 2 - (g) Registration privileges: At the option of the holder, as to princip, -i1 only; (h) Maturities: February 1, in years and amounts as follows: 1939 $14,000 1958 $31,000 1940 15,000 1959 31,000 1941 16,000 1960 333,000 1942 162000 1961 3� ,000 1943 17,000 1962 35,000 19 2 17,000 1963 37,000 19 4 191000 1964 38,000 1946 18,000 1965 40,000 1947 20,000 1966 41,000 1948 21,000 1967 43,000 1949 21,000 1968 46,000 1950 22,000 1969 47,000 1951 2 ,000 2,000 1970 49,000 1952 1971 51,000 25,000 1972 53,000 195 25,000 197 55,000 1955 27,000 1974 7,000 1956 28,000 1975 O,o00 1957 29,000 1976 622000; (i) Source of payment: Payable, as to both principal and interest, from and secured by a first lien upon and pledge of a fixed amoun-t' of the gross revenues of the System, which fixed amount shall be sufficient to maintain an interest and bond redemption fund to insure the payment of the interest on and principal of the bonds, as and when the same become due and payable, and additionally secured by statutory mortgage lien on the System; all as more particularly set forth in the Indenture, dated as of February 1, 1936. 2. Upon the acceptance of this offer by the Applicant, the contract created by the acceptance of the offer made by the United States of Americo to the Applicant dated December 21, 1935 shall be cancelled. The cancellation of such contract shall not impair or vitiate any act performed or proceedings taken thereunder prior to such cancellation. Such acts or proceedings may be continued under the contract created by the acceptance of this offer. All proceedings with reference to construction contracts on the Project shall be taken and all work un- der such contracts shall be done in accordance with the Rules and Regu- lations (PTA Form 188, August 12, 1935, as amended to date). 3. This offer is conditioned upon the Applicant's depositing in the Construction Account described in Part One, Paragraph 12, of the Rules and Regulations, prior to the payment by the United States of America for n„ny obligations which it herein offers to purchase, the sure of $1,260,000 or such other amount as may be necessary to complete the Project, in addition to the funds to be furnished by the United States of America. UNITED STATES OF A2v7ERICA Federal Emergency Administrator of Public '+forks (Sgd, ) E. IV. Clark By For the Assistant Administrator. be and the same is hereby in all respects accepted. Section 2. That said City agrees to abide by all the rules and regulations relating to such loan and grant a copy of which rules - 3 - and regulations were annexed_ to the Government's offer and made a part hereof. Section 3. That the mayor be and he is hereby authorized and directed forthwith to send to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public storks three certified copies of this Resolution and three certified copies of the proceedings of this Council in connection with the adoption of this Resolution, and such further documents or proofs in connection with the acceptance of said offer as may be requested by the Feder�il Emergency Administration of Public Works. Section 4. It is ascertained and declared that the lack of an adequate and potable water supply endangers the health of the in- habitants of said City and is destructive to machinery and equipment in industrial plants of said City, which endangers the safety of the lives of the inhabitants and of their property; that by reason of the present economic conditions many citizens of the City are out of work and the improvements herein provided for would furnish work for a number of men in both Pulaski and Saline Counties, Arkansas, and thereby add to the peace and happiness of the City. It is, therefore, declared that an emergency exists; that this resolution is necessary for the immediate preservation of the pul-alic peace, health and safety and that this resolution shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and adoption. Adopted: June 29, 1936. Atte 'ty Clerk. App r9v d: ��r 4r. �Iay or .