137910/29/35 R E S GLUT IOid CRC No. 1379• VMEREAS, the State HiCht-� *ay Comrv.ssion of the State of Arkansas is desirous of constructing *t=b Highway 7th St. Unaerpass through the City of Little '.ock and is desirous of routing the traffic through the City o Little 'Mock over ♦:Est Sixth -1 I,e 1.,oca icr:, iest Seventh under !,issouri Pacific and C. R. I. anu. P. Railroad and all i~jtersectinn' streets. ' and WHEREAS, the State Highway Commission of the State of Ar'_:_ansas is de- sirous of receiving Federal aid for the improvement of said highway; and WHIEREAS, the Bureau of Public Roads of the Department of Agriculture of the United States of Jlimerica will not participate in the construction of said higlr,':*asr until and unless 'the City of Little Rock ` Till agree to refrain from permitting encroachments upon the right of ?ray of said above mentioned route, and until and unless the City of Little Rock will agree to refrain from passing ordinances or lams fixing unreasonable speed limits on the said above mentioned route, and until and unless the g City of Little Rock will agree to refrain from erecting signs, ser— aphores and signals that will give preference to local routes or that will hinder or delay traffic on saiel above route. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the i.ayor and City Council of' the City of Little Roc that, for and. in consideration of the State Highway olmnisElon of the State of Arkansas and the Bureau of Public Roads of the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America construct- ing said highway adjacent to the City of � Little Rock and routing the traffic through the City of Little Rock over est Sixth New Location, '.test Seventh, under L "iissouri ?acific and C. R. I. L P. Approved: y ;.iayor !City Clerk Date: Railroad_ and all intersecting; streets .9 it hereby agrees with the State 'High ray Commission of the State of Arkansas and the Bureau of Public Roads of the Department of Agriculture of the United States of America that it will not in the future permit encroachments upon the right of way of said above mentioned route, nor will it pass any ordinances or laws fixing unreasonable speed limits on the above mentioned route, nor will it allo'-1 the erection of signs, semaphores and signals that Adopted: will give perference to local routes which intersect with said above men - e ure 12, tioned route, nor that gill slour up, hinder or f f' c on said above 1936At est: , ntioncd route. U droved: ria - - - - �y Clerk. I- ereby certify the foregoing to be a true copy of the resoli_i.1on -ten file in my office, passed by the City Council duly and l��zlly' oblec'f da the City of Little Rock , Arh�ansas, on the day o y ffiti:oss my hand this day of , 193 Approved: y ;.iayor !City Clerk Date: