1378RESOLUTION NO. 1378. A RESOLUTION, PROVIDING FOR THE CONFIRMATION OF THE SALE OF ONE MILLION, TWO HUNDRED SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS OF WATER REVENUE BONDS OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas; Section 1. That the sale of one million, two hundred sixty thousand dollars of water revenue four per cent bonds of the City of Little Rock, Arkansas, dated February 11 1936, to Bamm-nerica Blair. Corporation and Stranahan Harris and Company, Incorporated, at and for the price of par and accrued interest, said bonds being a portion of the bonds authorized by Section 9 of Article 1 of the trust indenture securing said bonds, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 2. That Resolution Number 1374,adopted June 1, 1936 is hereby repealed. Adopted: J11ne 8, 1936. Attest: City Clerk. Approved: Mayor.