WHEREAS, Fred V►. bicLonald and Georgia McDonald, b.is
wife, are the owners of the SEj Ntitig;, Section 26, Township 2
North Range 15 Vest, of Pulaski County, and the City is desir-
ous of procuring a fifty (50) foot strip across said lands for
the Purpose of laying its water pipe line; and
WHEREAS, theCity is the owner of approximately 70.6
acres of land described as follows: S! NE-Z, Section 26, Town-
ship 2 North, Range 15 West, less 2 acres in a square in the
SW corner of the SE4 NE4 of said section, and except 8 acres in
a square in the 6t corner of the 8W- NE4 of said section, the
City having purchased said lands fro:: the State Land CoLmission-
er for the purpose of procuring a needed strip across said lands
for the laying of said water pipes; and
WHEREAS, Fred W. McDonald and Georgia UcDonald, his
wife, have agreed to convey to the City a fifty (50) foot strip
across their lands for a consideration of 425.00 and the convey-
ance to them by the City of the aforesaid lands owned by the
City, and the said -red W. McDonald and Georgia lcDonald have
agreed to reconvey to the City a fifty (50) foot strip across
said lands so conveyed by the City to the said -red W. McDonald
and Georgia lucLonald; NOVi, THEREFORE,
bE IT RESOLVED, that the mayor be and he is hereby
authorized on behalf of the Uity to convey by quitclaim deed
to Fred t. x cl'onald and Qieorgia i cLonald, his wife, the follow-
ing lands lying in rulaski County, Arkansas, towit: South half
of northeast quarter (SI Nom) , Section 26, Township 2 North,
Ran& 15 West, less two (2) acres in a square in the Southwest
(SVO corner of the Southeast quarter of the lortheast (-�,,uarter
in said section,
( SE4 NE r )/ and except eight (8) acres in a square in the South-
west (8W) corner of the Southwest quarter of the northeast -ruar-
ter (SWj NFf) in said section, upon the execution and deliveryto
the City by r'red Val. McDonald and Georgia ",cDonald, his ,Afe,
of a fifty (50) root strip of land across said lands and of a
fifty (50) foot strip; across the Southeast 64uerter of the North-
west/tSE - NWfl of Section 26, Township 2 North, Range15 Vvest,
and the Idayor is further authorized and directed to pay to Fred
W. — cDonald and Georgia lacDonald, his wife, an additional con-
sideration of Twenty -five 11ollars (425.00) in cash.
• z7 3�;
ity Clerk