1371RESOLUTION OF CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF LITTLE ROCK RESOLUTION NO. 1371. ZHEREAS, the Municipal Sewer Committee has heretofore awarded, subject to the approval of this Council and of the Public Works Administration, the following contracts: Section 11 - Nolan Construction Company Detroit, Michigan, On the basis of the use of electric power, in an amount of 425,912.17 Section B - Drainage Construction Company, In the amount of 302,342.69 Section C - Drainage Construction Company, In the amount of 950208.67 Section D •- G. C. McEachin Construction Company, In the amount of 119,890.00 and, EAS, each of the said bids so awarded by the Municipal Sewer Committee was the lowest bid made for the respective sections; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Council that the action of the Municipal Seger Committee in making the award to the above said respective companies on the said respective sections be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, confirmed and approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Municipal Sewer Committee be and is hereby authorized and instructed to execute all contracts and other documents incident or necessary to complete the award. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor, H. T. Terry and D. H. Daugherty be and are hereby authorized and directed to exe- cute and sign all instruments necessary to complete these cm tracts. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ratification of the action of the municipal Sewer Committee with respect to each of said con- tracts is subject to the approval of the Public Works Administration. V=EAS, the Sanitary Seger System of Little Rock requires immediate repairs and improvements and the necessity for such re- pairs and improvements menaces the public health and safety; THEREFORE, it is hereby declared that an emergency exists and this resolution is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety and this resolution shall there- fore take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Adopted: April 9th, 1936. Attes An:)roved: City Clerk. Mayor.