1369RESOLUTION NO _1369. WHEREAS, The Arkansas Delegation in the Congress is bending every effort to secure for the City of Little Rock title to the air port property now owned by the Federal Government; amd WHEREAS, Through the EPPPPMRPDP prompt action of Senator Joe T. Robinson assisted by Senator Hattie W. Carraway, the bill providing for thetransfer of the property MPPBRPRPREPIR was today included in the War Department Appropriations Bill now "pending in the Senate; and WHEREAS, The Arkansas Delegation in the House of Representatives has pledged BPBPPPPPB themselves to the speedy consideration of the Bill in the House; and WHEREAS, Said action if successful will give to the City the PBPRE land now owned by the Federal goverriien3t cosisting of 115 acres, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council do now express its appreciation in behalf of the City of Little Rock to the Arkansas Delegation in the Congress and that a copy of this resolution be mailed to each of the me;ibe rs of the Delegation. Adopted: March 16, 1936 Attest - C I y Clerk. 1 ed� Mayor.