1354RESOLUTION NO. 1 5 WHEREAS, the autor.iobile equi -). ent of the Police Department, has deteriated to such an extent that it is impossible to o-;erate said equipment effectively and economically; and ` :WHEREAS, it is the judgment of the City Council that 4 additional squad cars =nd pa -rol wagon, should be purchased i�m.media.tely for -che use of the Police Departu.ent: NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by tiie City Council of the City of Little Rock, Ark�-.__sa.s, that -Ghe Board of Public Affairs is hereby authorized, eixoo, erect and direct- ed, to proceed a.nd advertise for, nd to receive bids for, the furnishing of sa,ic. equipment, and the said Board is further authorized to award said contract to the lowest and most responsible bidder. bdopted:: December 30th, 1935 Attest: v Clerk R. E. OVERMAN. MAYOR POLICE DEPARTMENT J. A. PITCOCK. CHIEF December 30th, 1935 Mr. Jack Pickens Chairman Police Committee City Hall Little Rock, Arkansas Dear Sir: I am enclosing you letter from 11r. Luke E. Barber, Chief Radio Operator, which Is self exnla.natory. I think his sug_;estions are good_ and should be carried out as far as it is possible for you gentlemen to do so. Thanking you for any consideration in this matter, I am Yours respectfully, /J. A. Pitcock Chief of Police JAP:LR } R. E. OVERMAN, MAYOR VOLICE DEP RT31ENT J. A. PITCOCK. CHIEF s Chief J. A. Pitcoek Building Dear Sir: December 30th, 1935 As per your request regarding the new equipment to be purchased along with the new police cars. M?y suggestion as to the type of battery and generator would be that we have these cars come equipped with heavy duty batteries and the Delco- Remy Police Generators, or some other generator of reliable manufacture. In the Delco -Remy Generator, we would be able to get a. generator that would have a charging rate of 20 amps at a speed of 9 miles per hour, which is very essential to keep the batteries charged while operating at nightoi %,ith the radio and lights in use. 4 I would ask that you request these cars be delivered equipped with new Remler Police Radios. I am asking, for these radjoos due to the f -ct that our present radios are practically worn out. Receiption on our present radios is so poor that on several occasions lately our cars have missed calls in certain parts of town where reception normally is very weak. By getting these nevi receivers, I think it will be possible, by junking some of the old sets, to make our old ones last another year. I would also ask that provisions be made to purchase a receiver for the Auto Theft Souad.' It has been impossible for thell2 to get the kind of service they require from the old receiver since most of their business is outside of the city limits. I am sug,7esting the Remler Police Receiver after inquiring about receiving equipment of other police departments. I find that Kansas City, Missouri is using this equipment entirely and find It to be the most practical they have ever used. The Department of Justice also requires that their radio equipped cars use this Remler receiver. Trusting this is the information that you desire, I an, Yours very truly, Luke E. Barber Chief Radio Operator R. E. OVERMAN. MAYOR APOLICE DEP ARTME -NT J. A. PITCOCK. CHIEF " 2 Hon. R. E. Overman, I'layor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: December 19th, 1935 Attention: Mr. Jack Pickens, Chairman Police Con:nittee We need at once four squad cars and a patrol wagon; also a car for the Chief of Detectives 0. T-i. Martin. The equipment of the Police Department has run down so that it is necessary for us to have these cars by the first of the year, if possible. I think that with a little work on the five detective cars, we will be aisle to get along for the next year or more. I would suggest thpt all these cars be equipped with oversize generators, oversize batteries, sirens and a 17 inch wheels. This will prolong the life Of these cars, as they -.re all equipped with radios and need a larger generator and battery to take care of the radio equipment. By having the 17 inch wheels, when the casings on these cars get worn, we can trade the::) in to 1!r. Coyne in the shop and they can be replaced_ with other casings and the Police Department can get credit for the old casings. I have had that und_erstf nding with Mr. Coyne to this effect. Mr. Coyne informs me that all other city cars are equip-_ped with the uniform 17 inch wheels, and I think that it would be a saving to the city to buy these wheels. I would also suggest that each of the squad cars be dquipped with a heater that would cost less than $10.00 each. The men riding in these cars at night get very cold and if they have ra heater, when they ride up to a place they are warm enough to get out and act at once. You gentlemen can see hoes you would feel working in a room without any fire for eight hours straight. ♦arr P POLICE � U � A Q � •\ .. `art_ S I *a'PkAN SD S A R. E. OVERMAN, MAYOR POLICE DEPARTMENT J. A. PITCOCK, CHIEF I have waited to the last minute asking; for these cars on account of the financial condition of the city and I would not ask- for them now, if they were not badly needed. I would also like to have the cross- pieces on the front uumpers of the cars little lonZer, as it is often that they have to pusi: other cars. Old equipment of the Police Department can be trp.ded in on the purchase of these cars. Thanking you gentlemen for a. sincere considehation . of this matter, I am Yours very respectfully, A. Pitcock _ Chief of Police JAP:LR