WHEREAS, It has been :.. -,pounced through the local press that
Mr. Charles J. ( Griffith is voluntarily retiring from wanagement as
active Vice - President of the Arkansas Poorer &.nd Light Corn )any, consent-
ing, however, to remain with said com?any in an u visory capacity, in
touch with its °)� trons; and
WHERFAS, Mr. Griffith's record of �.(jvancement frow his first tn-
ployment, laore than forty years ago, with the City Electric Street
Railw<y Company, now the Arkansas Poorer and Light Com -Pany, to the
position of Vice - President and manager, and his further service to
this community ar. a citizen and b•.:sine ,s Haan is wor �hy of emulation
End deserving; of recognition; there ore
B', IT r `)OLW`,D, That the Mayor Wic_ City Council join in ex,-)ressions
of are ?reci- tion of this worthwhile citizen, extending felicitations and
sincere best =f'shes for txr. Griffith's future welfare, and, a- )preciative
of '. is intention to continue to make Little Rock his home, we designate
him as one of our distinguished and t)ro ressive citizens, a valuable
asset to society end to -the comet- ,..pity as c whole; - nd
Big IT FTURTH'i'R REYWIT11D, That these resolutions be s read upon the
records of the City ouncil and the City Clerk be instructed. to send a
cony of s<:..me to Mr. Griffith.
Ado-)ted: December 20, 1934
0 ity Clerk