1320W 14. RESOY.UTIOI -01. 1320 71,AS, the ConstitutionalitTT of Oct T?c. 311 of the Acts of the 1931 legislature has been attacked in Court, and, '1TF7nRE.Ac, the proclamation calling an election in e Ck y, of Little Rock under the terms of that.46t, ig now the subject of litigation, and, 71FEPEAS, even if the election is held pursuant , to present plans, it 7,ill be next April before the people of Little Rock will have an orrortunity to finally accept or reject the City Manager Plan of rTovernment for the City of T_Attle Rock, and, 7 7.,,-r c, at that tii: =e it will be too late to inominat- by a vote of the people, Democratic nominees to be voted ur,on at the regular Citr rTeneral Election to be held in ?rril for the purpose of electing Cite officials to suc- ceed those ahose terms of office expire on the first following the regular City General Election to be held in :?gyp r i l . TI7,RT7ORE, be it resolved th ^t the City; Council jrerebv respectfully meriorialize the CitIT Central Cor�:litt�e i of the Cite% of Little Rock to set a date for the Democratic i pri=77 of this Cit`= at some tirZe about the first of Yov- er b=:r 11934. Adopted: September 10, 1934 &�Ye--C-C�L 44JI Attest: City Clerk. Mayor. Passed over Mayor's veto September 17th, 1934 i� DATE WARDS ALDERI.:EN 1 Terral, Floyd 1 Pickens, Jack 2. _. Leiser, H.G. if Tuohey, J.H. 3 Liu sv 0k, Geo 3 cra i-, C . J. 4 Gulley, Toni 4 Winder, Ray 5 Olive, A. Turner, Roy C. 6 Francis, G.J. 6 Duttlinger, C. H. 7 Wherry, Geo.R. AYE ITO TTY r r HORACE A. KNOWLTON MAYOR September 13, 1934. To the Members of the City Council, Little Rock, Arkansas. fCj y �Q` Q ti �' O� I aii returning with my veto Resolution No. 1320, adopted September 10, 1934, memorializing the City Democratic Central Co,- =ittee to set a date for the Primary about the first of November and setting forth certain reasons therefor. I aan not considering the i,ierits of the premises upon which the Resolution is based, although I have rny• personal opinion as to those staterrients, but my reason for vetoing this Resolution is that it ,is partisan and political in its aim and is not a proper matter for consideration by the City Council. The City Council is a legislative body of the city of Little Rock, is representative of the entire citizenship, coiiiposed of mei -nbers of all parties, the riernbers of the Couz,-cil 'craving been elected at a General election in which all electors of the city had the right to participate. The matter involved in the Resolution may be ?presented to the Central Comrflittee by aldermen, not individually or collectively, but in my op' of such nature as to merit its going into the permanent records of the City Council. RAK: VT Resnectfully submitted,