1319T N 0 3 9 7 U C t C f -;r.p employed by t- lie itAssouri Pacific Rai 1- ­iay Company an'"-' in such ti on c a i.i e to the City of Little 7 o in 1901. Subsequent to thin al at e "r. Krumm became C onne ct e r-1, with the -sion and, Cold Storage Company and the O'Leary Produce roc!�:`man CommiS CIT Coic.pany. Durin-c- the tii;ie "r. Krumm ,las euiployed bl- the 71,rockman Commission an;d Col - Storage Company and the 011,_aary, Fro,-_-34uce Coi.,,pany., I a s t u'-14. i e A' la.j at niht at the Ar",an--as La-,.) :school anu -,,,as a�'Imitted Ke -e J n +1 to the bar in 12.26 anl was act 1 a n,,2: u. practice of law i �i time he �ia_s appQint-_1--A' +o- 11. t1ia. c- .7-10:c.�.� j �!­cted ilayor, an" took office at that date. From April 1 3 to 'U'_1 to of his leath "."r. Krumm :iost efficiently conducted the office of t1ha City Clerk of the City of Little Rock. is conduct with otiier public officials and with his fellow men has been above reoroach. "'r. Krumm was a miember of the local order of Eac,.les, a marri- ber of the TionIS Club and ­u~inessmenls Association and t I-, e Lutheran Church. Mr. Krumm is survive(-' by his -aido,"J, .",*rs. '3race Rolf Kruqftm, two brothers, Herbert Krumm of Tolona, Illinois, and ',Hill Krumm of sidnajr) Illincis* Strong of"'t)o-'.y, handsome in app-larance, and a snl3naid a' clearly un-Jerstood, a. lan­uaCe acceptable ,uality of i,,ic,�inE him'sell to all, he impressed hi,,-.- oersonality f.-.voribly u­on all .,;i`U1-_. he car,-ie in contact, an"L -vjith Iiis hi­,l irit: rite as ­ a a nublic of.f i- cial, freedo,,-n Icroln Deceit in all his CLealinEs, loyalty and genero- sity in his friendships, lbrouiat iiiiii rose attachments TI-jere ti iastin__ an. unv;=,v:3ring. lalJver of great abi'__ _ . Kru,..:.i ciation of tie dimity of his profession, and was ever :�i Ili _-. c contribute all that yeas in his power for tl_,e advancement of its Stan lards. Stu ai. ous in his habits 1r. Krumin was perhaps the best in- formed clan in t t _t of ir::ansas on the integral workings of mun- cipal corporations. `r. Kruinm*s relationship vaith his ife and yditli each of hi brothers, who survive hi�i, vvere affectionate to a most unusual degre, and his untir;,ely death has br ou .ht a vieight of sorrow to each of thei that vie all respectfully bo':a before and sincerely hope that the passim gars yvill tend to alleviate. Be it re.= olved, that in t 1 e deatl. of To.In L. Krumm, the y o7e o its riost patriotic citizens; that t one of its m ost honorable an 4 effi- { C1 e['tt :;�� i C U_ � _ �: _... ; -- � v =-., ..,1,_. ��.. _.SSOClc'i.tl.Qia, member v+iio vdas ev -zr active, interest. , an obii_,ing in advancing the nterest of the profession; t _ °e has lost a .:ind and af. ti onate t;-Iat ate brother; that tli s cansiderate member of i., e.�,tended to eac' o his b Er ea t their f 'b e ri I - ot.ers h-.ve lost a dutiful anc. affecti host of fr`_ :i:.v Lave lost a kindl T and circle; and teat our heartfelt sympathy in their great bereavei.ient. Be it further resolved that this resolution be entered up of this ^itv a,n --' that the actin_ 1'lerk of the Ap1Droved: