1313RESOLUTION NO. �, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS OF THE CITY, OF LITTLE ROCK TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF T -'E UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS FOR THE TREATMENT OF THE CITY'S CHARITY PATIENTS AT ITS CITY HOSPITAL IN THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK BY THE ?.iEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF SAID UNIVERSITY,FREE OF CHARGE TO THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City of Little Roth, through its Board of public Affairs and the University of Arkansas, through its Board of Trustees did on the 4th day of June, 1931 enter into a contract providing for the treatment of the city's charity patients by the medical department of said University, free of charge to the city, for a period of 25 years, and . "IHEREAS, said contract contained a provision requiring the Universiv of .rkansas to erect a building for the School of Medicine in the City of Little Rock within one year from date of said contract, which period of one year was later extended by Resolution 1265 for an additional year, making the expiration date of said contract June 4,1933, and -,,r'VHEREAS, it is now within the power of the University of Arkansas to begin immediate construction of said Medical School building, and ;HERE,AS, it is the desire of both the City of Little Rock and the University of Arkansas Medical School that the contract which has heretofore existed continue in force, now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LITTLE ROCK That the Board of Public Affairs be and is hereby empowered and directed to enter into a contract on behalf of the City of Little Rock with the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas for the treatment of the city's charity patients by the Medical Department of said University, free of charge to the city, for a period of Twenty Five (25) years from date hereof and said contract shall be in the form and under the terms contained in the contract dated June 4,1931 and under which both parties hereto have been operating since said date, with the exception that the name of the hospital is now City Hospital in lieu of General Hospital as contained in that contract and with . correrction of the dates cgqtained therein. XOPTd th,1934 Attest; Approved: . y Cler Moor CITY OF LITTLE ROf�//3W Date k 193_ ROLL CALL —CITY COUNCIL — OFFICIAL YEAR 1932 -1933 WARDS :Names of Aldermen Long Term Inret Votes Aye I No FIRST WARD Terral, Floyd �I SECOND WARD Leiser, H. G. Tuohey, J. H. n THIRD4WARD ✓ — , --"'^- Wassell, Sam M. FOURTH WARD AiilClas,- 'I'F9i�sr4Hl. Winder, Ray All FIFTH WARD Olive, A. i Turner, Roy C. XT�F��ARD SEVENTH WARD Duttlinger, C. H. Wherry, Geo. R. EIGHTH WARD Adams, George G. Conner, Mrs. C. C. Fisher, Merlin /1 WTH WARD Scougale, A. IIIII I U , CITY OFFICERS AND DEPART- MENT HEADS yy Off Me Phone II REMARKS MAYOR Horace A. Knowlton �; 4- 8416 CITY TREASURER Oscar D. Hadfield (I 4 -2020 II MUNICIPAL JUDGE Harper E. Harb II 4 -3886 I) CITY ATTORNEY Linwood L. Brickhouse I 4 -1123 CITY CLERK John L. Krumm 9613 CITY COLLECTOR it _ James Lawson 4 -1278 CHIEF OF POLICE J. L. Bennett 4 -1234 CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT Charles S. Hafer II 4 -2851 CITY HEALTH OFFICER Dr. V. T. Webb 540_ 2 I� II CITY VETERINARIAN Dr. T. M. Dick II 5402 I� MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTOR II Geo. D. Ellis 5402 CHIEF FOOD INSPECTOR Ewell Hopkins !I 5402 MEAT INSPECTOR A. F. Coots II 6485 II PLUMBING INSPECTOR E. L. Gruber 4 -3000 II CITY ELECTRICIAN !! II Lester E. Newland II 4 -3508 CITY ENGINEER I W. H. Marak 4 -3000 SUPT. PARKS AND SANITATION 11 ! R. C. Rudisill 6813 SUPT. CITY HOSPITAL I� H. K. Ford 7161 CITY LIBRARIAN Miss Vera Snook II I 8932 II INSPECTOR WEIGHTS & MEASURES !! J. E. Nothwang 11 4 -3508 lI SUPT. AIRPORT II I Joseph A. Young I 4 -4460 Official term of Mayor, City Treasurer, Municipal Judge and appointive officers, expires in April, 1933; City Attorney and City Clerk in April, 1934. (Over) 3 jjjW