2737LZ . N ORDINWICE EO. 2737. �n Ordinance Providing for the Construction of Sidewalks on Booker Street, between 14th Street and 17th Street, and on 15th, 16th and 17th Streets, from 77oodrow Street to Booker Street, and for other purposes. IT ORDAIi,ED BY TFM, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TIPT_ E ROCK: Section 1. That the privilege is hereby granted the residents along both sides of the following named streets, to -wit: Booker Street, from 14th Street to 17th Street; 15th Street, from Woodrow Street to Booker Street; 16th Street, from ,Joodrovr Street to Booker Street; 17th Street, from Woodrow Street to Booker Street; to construct along the sides of said streets sidewalks of the width of four feet only, said sidewalks, in every manner except as to width, to coaply with the city ordinances heretofore made and provided, and exception to the specifications prr ovided in said ordinances permitted only as to width. Section 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed., and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed: September 27, 1920. 0 kttest• —� City Clerk. eayor