2773;g,'lq . Ala . �EC, npnI?,, A7CE "TO. 27 3 AN OFDI'NA?CE LAYING OFF A PORTION OF THE CITY 'rF LITTLE' 11 —! I17TO A STREET IMP70171=?;" 'DISTRICT, TO RF LINO-TT A3 STREET I`MPOT'E* 11ENT DIOTRICT NO. °303: Thereas, more than ten owners of real property ,vith,n that _ror- tion of Lit ;le` Fcck, Pulaski County and State of Arkansas, harainaf- tar described, have peti_ticned the City Co-:neil to take st- r s to yards the making of local improvemants in the Oi ty of Little Rock by form- 4 "IL the territory h-3relnafter aascribed into an imprcvem, nt district for the urposes hereina - ter set out: Therefore, Be it ordained by ` -he City Co,,.:ncil of the City of Little Rock; Section 1. That Stre t Improvement District No,30Zof the City of Little Rock ba and thra ziarre is hereby created and establish- ed for the purpose cf rar.aving �itr: an asrhaltic surface and Ct:.er- -i °ovine Main Stre Jt from the South Curb on 7.! arkham ::