2788� a a UT, ORDI NAECE RELATI T± G TO VESER ML D I SRA SES . 0- .DI NANCI' 10. 27 88 . BE IT ORDAI ? :D BY TR-� CITY OF TjITTEE ROCK: 1. That syphilis, Gonorrhea and Chanc-roid, hereinafter designated. Venereal Diseases, ar. hereby, recognized and declared to be contagious, infectious ,and. Jor:;municable and dangerous to public health. 2. (a) 1hL,.t in cases of gonococcus infection, syphilis and chancroid, the physician making the diagnosis or treating such uatient, shall keep in his office or place of business, a separate record, giving the name, color, sex, age and address, and the character of the disease, and such cases shall be numbered. or such record ke -pt in num3rical order o- their diagnoses or treatment and shall, �;,iithin twenty- foar hours after being diagnosed, be reported to th; Health Department, giving the number of such cases in lieu of the name of the patient. (b) the record kept by any physician of any o the diseases herein mentioned shall not be o-�en to inspection by the p:bli.c, but shall, at all times be open to inspection by the '_?ealth C- `ficer o2Assistant Health Cfficer of th; city. A 3. If any person should be aL "flicted U;ith any of the above named diseases, anci is not under the care of a physician, then the head of the household `inhere such diseased person is, or the gaa,rdian of such diseas :d. person, shall immediately, report such cases to the Health Department, 4. The -oroi)rietor or manager of any hotel, lodging- house or boarding house, who shall have knowlea ?e 0-f or reason to believe that there is a case ' of any kind. of the above mentioned diseases ti I ' th;,_r:� such hotel, lodging ho or boarding house, shall immediately report such facts to the Health Department. 5. ';`,rhen a physician, attendant, parent or guardian suspects that a person under his care has any of the above named d'° ases, he shall immediately report such case c, the Health r' shall thereupon take such measisres as are ner- essa-to protect the public, '' > C� "per' but before declaring quararlti��ie �, s gall ris alt the family pa sician if there bpi one, in charge of such case. 2- 6. The recovery or death of all cases of the above named diseases shall be reported on forms supplied by the Health De- partment for that purpose. 7. separate report card shall be used for re.-Porting each case of the above mentioned diseases. 8. That it shall be unlawful for any .person to expose another to gonorrhea, syphilis or chancroid infection; and every person having either of the said diseases ,hall promptly upon discovering same, report to a reputable physician of the 1.ity of Little -Rock for treatment and shall continue taking treatment until, in the opinion of the attending physician, there is no dan-er of such person communicating tueh disease. 9. That the parents of minors acquiring venereal diseases and living with said parents shall be legally responsible for the compliance of such minors with the requirements of the CIrdin, -*-.k36 relating to 'Venereal Diseases. 10. (a) That if the amity Health Gfficer shall have reason to believe, by the accusations of another or otherwise, that a person has either of the diseases mentioned in Section 1, and is not t ki.rg treatment for same or is ez:oosing others to infection, then it shall be the duty of said. Health Officer to give written nIti:,e to such persons to report within tvaenty -four tours from the time of the service of such notice, to a reputable physician of Little =lock or to the Health (fficer for examinta.ion; and any person,after such notice, -refusing to report and submit to such examintition, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) If any oe:son, having one of the diseases mentioned in Section 1, shall fail cr ,refuse to tame treatment under a reputable physician in the city until no longer capable of givifag the infec- tion to ethers, or shall expose another to infectioYl before being discharged by the physician, then 'the Health Officer shall place such person under quarantine and placard the dwelling, announcing the presence of the disease with which such person may be afflicted. It shall be unlawful for any such person ?uarantined to leave the premises du -ink such quarantine ur for any one to remove the ola.card except A n permission i the Health Officer; and provided, further, that where a person having one of urge above diseases is not living in his own home that the Health Officer may have such persons removed to some place v-here they may be quarantined for such time as they may be dangerous to others. a ??3 ? 0 � e- '�"- (c) That persons ar'f'licted with venereal diseases shall be given a circular of information. It shall be the duty of every physician who treats a person afflicted with venereal disease to _rive suich ^' rson at the 12i-rst examination a circulat of�L infcrmation and advice concerning venereal diseases, furnished by the Department of 1lealth, and in addition to Rive to such diseased persons a copy -of this ordinance and to report tc the I-±ealth Department that such diseased person has received the two documents herein specified. (d) _'hat a change of ohs sicians be reported to the physician first consulted. ':`,hen a person ap- -)lies to a physician for treatment for a venereal disease it shall be the daty of the physician to inquire d ascertain whether such person has been treated. by any other phV,sicia,n, and if so it shall -be the dut y of the o YTsi consulted to immediately notify the physician previously treating such applicant of the change of advisor. should the phi sici.an previously consulted fail to receive s,cch notice within tern (10) days after the appearance of such venereal diseased it shall be the duty of such physician to report to the '_health Department the name and address of such venereally diseased person. 11. ghat it shall be unlawful for any person, except a regular licensed physician, to orescri.be or to give and medicine for the treatment of such persons afflicted with any of the diseases men- tioned in >ection 1; provided, however, that any one who applies to the 0ity T-iealth Department shall be liven i,Zedicines and treat- ment free of charge. That every druggist or other y �_ person ya'rlo sells any drugs, compounds, specific or preparation of any kind used or believed by the druggist or .person sellin • the same to be intended to be used for the treatment of any of said venereal diseases, shall keep a record of tho date of such sale, the kind and quantity of medi3ines sold and the name and address of the person making, the pur- ,base. 3ucli records of acid sales st -lall at. all times be open P�-e a?�g 4- to inspection by the amity Health Officer. 13. That it shall be unlawf al for any per son to post or cause to be posted any handbills or printed matter in the city advertising any remedy for the treatment of venereal diseases. 14. That it shall be the duty of the Chief of .police to have examined by the City Health, Officer or other reputable physician all inmates of the city jail whom he May suspect of being afflicted with. any venereal disease. lb. That it shall be unl€iwft,l for any person having any of the diseases mentioned. above, to use while in the infective stage, any public drinking glass or vessel or to wore. in any pia.ce where food or drib.: is handled. ld. That any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any section of this ordinance, or who shall willfully neglect or refuse to perform any necessary and reasonable duties herein prescribed, or who shall furnish false information for the purpose of making incorrect records, for the Health Department, shall be deemed. guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon cow.•icticn thereof shall be fined not less than f ive do liars ( 06.00) , nor more t i&ii one hundred dollar; ($100.00) , or be imprisoned. not exceeding; sixty (60) days, or suffer both fine end ir_mrisonm�ent, in the discretion of the court. 17. All ordiz}ances or parts thereof ii-i conil ict herwovith are hereby repealed. :end thi: Ordinance being fcr the protection, of public health, shall be published once in a newspaper in the City of Little hock, and shall become effective on and. after its ratification. E"aas,ed: Liar c h P- / , 1,� 41 lAayo,. . CWWCOUFAIFWWAOWF&�� V