2836f l 1, 0 R D I ,4 _2 E 0 E N 0. 2836. 20 to Ok AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO M. C. O'BRIEN THE: RIGHT TO ON, STRUCT AA ' T,)UTNTAI1N THE F0 LOWING JINE-1, SE�7 2: FR 014 1A PIT-t'_-NT OF 1904 E.6th STREET Tn FIFTH AND REMKIOHARDT STREET, WHERE IT IS TO CONNECT TO ?!TAIN OF SEM DISTRICT 78. BE I 0 ".(DA1NED BY THI: CITY C0VNCITj OF TH"C, CITY 0 0 LIT` U, ROCK: Section 1. That the right and privilege is hereby granted to I. C. O'Brien, his heirs and assigns, to construct and ria,intain at his ov,rn expense, a certain line of seer, extending -prom in ixmat of No. 1904 E 6th Street to Fifth & Reichar.(tt Streets a nistance of about HOC) feet anus connect to the main sewer line cf Sowor District No. 78. Provided, that said sewer shall be constructei under the supervision and according to the plans and sneeifications prepare& by the Superin- ten,aeat; of Public �4orks, cf the ^ity of 7jittle -Rock. Section L. In. conoid_er °at.ion that the said M- C.+O'Brien will ^dTance the tunes neees 3ary for the oonotruction of the .a.id sewer and. fov the proper ma.ini;enance thereof, the said Ian C O'Brien is hereby granted the exclusive eon�i;z•ol o? the sewer main hereby authorized for the construction for and during tY e ?period provide,. by this or.dinq.?lce, and he is he -oby authorize�l to permit or prevent any con- nections therewith by any person, or persons, firm or corporations, o -ccert uron the Morns an:l conditions specified in this ordinance. Section 3. That -the said M. G. O'Brien shall permit all property owners adjacent to said sewer, to connect with the same at a cost riot to exceec. '75.00 for each full lotas shown on the plat of property adjoining said sewer line, of wh'.eh nano -U AA , ")50.10 shall be paiu to the CofmAssioners of Sewer District No. 78 for the privi- lege of coimecting said line with said Sewer District No 78, until said Sewer District is paj,d out -and turned over to the Gity of TAt,tle Rock, in which latter case the City Collector in to be paid the Z)50.00. The other 05.00 i ?3 4;'o go to salcl Kc ia% G )'BA' i en. Section 4. That when the ss id M C C yBr. a_en shall hn ve collected a sufficient amount from the property owners tapping said. sewer to reimburse him for building and ma;ntaini.ng said server, the rights 0" said M C O'Brien shall cease ank"1 said server shall beoor;de the property of Sewer District 78, or if Se -we District 78 is paid_ ol-:t and turned over to the city, said private line shall become the p Y ^ `ert T If t he City of Little Rock. r It 2 it EM krovtded, that the said private sewor shall be turned over and becomf, the property of the Seiver District No 78 or the City of Little Rock within three years after the passage of this ordinance. Section 5. The ^ity Collector is hereby designated t�.e collector for the parties above mentioned, to whom all moneys for connections shall be paid, and for the benefit and use of the City shall receivo three percent of the a ± <iount collected for makin-, same, and. pay 't-he balance of all collections to the parties interested proportionately as their interest appears. Section 6. Said f? C O'Brien shall file his written acopptance of the terms of this ordinance within thirty days from the date of the, p�;ssage of this ordinance, upon failure so to do, the or.dir.anee shall be of no effect. Section 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from o.nd after its pas: age. Passed: August 29. 1921. Y - Attest: city Clark. Approved A L__ �, N�ctiG Ma 7 o r. .r