2913ORDINANC3 NO. ?913 Ail OR17I IANC 3 AUTI"ORILING 'Mg RIAOLwLING OF A FRA1a SMUCTURd AT 1,916 SCOTT aTR3T, A1lD FOR 0TH3R PURP093C. 31 IT ORDAEAM BY TH2 CITY COUNCIL OF HD CITY OF L'ITT" ROCK; Section 1. Permission i5 hereby granted to H. :.Ford to remodel a frame building; at 916 Scott Street by an adaition to the Sleeping porch on the second story of said building, the present shingle roof of nai4i building to be replacold with a c61:1- Position shingle roof , and cone ui is to be dispensed with in the electric wiring, any: the provisions of the Building Code and the Rlectric Wiring. Code are a7ended insofar only as may be neces- sary to remodel 5kik building at 5aic: address as .Aay be aesired, and for no other purpose. The Luilding Inspector and 3lectrical Inspector are instructed and authorized to issue perriits tr,erefo . 14ection 2. vo provisions of the Jiuilain� Code or :'lectri Wirinb Code or general ordinances of the City of Little Rock are repealed or a.1ended except injofa -M they relate to the above building at above address, for the punpo!ies herein ;aentioned. This orainance s .a.11 be in full force and effect from and after i is passage. PaSaed: Februarjtt 28, 1922. Approved: 'ttest: _ City Clerk. lia,yor.