2933� t r An Ordimance _' utI orizin the to .dj ust the InSUrance ! Col-troversy vii.th t :e Kittle :ock ' aseball '..ssociatiol�, Lrisine out of Dama ;e to tie Crt-ndstand at ', "rest End PVr' .nd for ot,hcr , ur ;ores. .r , .,. .. f. ui cLY,. S i c: T t ,, t.. , ., .1 Le 2 itr iay of e , 19L1_ , daivaged by _"ire all re airs trereto z-.-ere made by the Little Rock Bt-i-se-al1 ssoci:.ti_ari +� pail lor by 6ai,? association; and, 'hereas, X11 o-f t'Le ins=r nce upon said grand- Bt €znd runs t' in tr:e 1-ame of t1ie City of Little :tocl: r ni the r;remiums ,therefor. are i,l by the City of little -'ock, and it is the sense of t'r i.s comicil that the insurance collected by the Cite of little '.o c;'. II for sv.id fire, inasmuch as the little Rock Baseball 1%ssociation i °e,9 the d� aE;e, should be tra.nsferred to s!-aid associz:tio-rl f ujon its reimbursing the City for the premilns pai;i for said in- euratce, T?o-� l n� t -:Leref.ore, C I - l5 ;�1 : O C _ - I ') Tection 1. 'hat tine .ayor and C'i.t`- Olerk are 't ereby au- thorized. atnrl directed to endorse the r)iie ers of t,_ ai f r 'TSUI, _ice, companies ria"Je to t .e Cit-,- of Little Rock, in settler:ent o loss ci.]li. 't r::a e su: fer•ed. T; the City;- of Little Rock on account of the fire in the _randstana at 'est End Park, on or about 1.1ay "71, 1921, to the Little 71ock Baseball ,.ssociation, upon sai:3 assoeiat,on re- '_t?-girp, to t!-;e (7itz- o" _7nei tr)e ;rerirm 1 I r G ,I r �7 six s ears' and t'-e 1 _ C°l tire 1,ere_ on -zed a ,; :mayor �r�d (,itE eri. Q ut�_ rd directed to µo w11 ot'r.er things necessary- alit incidental to the settlement of said insurance controversy with the said Little Rack " .seb li .ssoc:iUtiun of vill ich miaV 11,e necessary to cl-rr-w this or- dinance fu1117 into effect, Und such actions of the .I-, or and City Clerk are hereb�,7 rLti fieµ and con"'irr ed in all t% ir:`s. ectiOli i 11 Ordii- ,,ances and of O?:':I.i ".Lnces in, Oiilllut I`.t L'�' "l ti �.:re iiei "'Ei,� t3l ems; i e,'� , rl. t'_lis OrJiriance shall it = Oree froli, after 1t S ; > &ssape. +; r raswe? . March 16. 1922. I